40th Anniversary of the Beatles Rooftop Performance

As time winds down it seems nothing will get settled, so they choose to do a lunch time concert (like their Cavern days in Liverpool) on January 30th. They will perform atop the Apple building, located on Saville Row in London's swanky business district. They will have a special guest, their old friend Billy Preston will play keyboards. Not only for his musicianship, but the boys all seem to play nice together in Preston's presence. A makeshift stage, their equipment and movie cameras were set up on the cold overcast London day of January 30th 1969. The Beatles performed live in front of their wives, close friends, Apple staff members & passers by on the street in what would be their last live

John is wearing a heavy brown fur wrap coat which belonged to Yoko. Ringo was so cold he borrows his wife Maureen's bright red mac. Paul is wearing just a black suit jacket, & George dons some funky bright green slacks & a black heavy coat.
As all things surrounding the Beatles are studied & always interesting, but the most important thing is always the music. The 42 minute Roof top concert is no exception & does not disappoint.
Beatles Apple Rooftop Set list: January 30th 1969
GET BACK: The Beatles warm up with 2 rehearsals of Get Back. John & George seem to be a bit sloppy on guitars as Paul belts out a strong vocal He is just totally ecstatic to be playing live again. The two versions were mixed into one & used for the album & movie.

I'VE GOT A FEELING: The best version ever done of this song after numerous rehearsals. John's melodic "everybody had a good year" is done in perfect contrast to Paul's great screaming powerful vocal. Ringo's drumming right on & Georges makes the song with his distorted guitar parts. This version appears on the album & the movie.
ONE AFTER 909: Considered by many to be the best song of the rooftop sessions. George leads with some great guitar riffs as Preston follows flowing along on the keys timed with Ringo's catchy beat. John & Paul do perfect vocals and seem to be having a ball, like the old days. This version appears on the album & movie.
DIG A PONY: As George counts in, Ringo shouts "Hold it" as he blows his nose & lights up a cigarette. John
sings a great vocal reading the words off a clipboard that a red headed tech is holding up. At the end of the song, John says "thank you brothers".., and he mentions his fingers are getting to cold to play the chords. This version appears on the album & movie.

Another version of I'VE GOT A FEELING & DON'T LET ME DOWN are done but not performed as well as the firsts.
GET BACK: The band quickly bursts into the final song Get Back. Ringo & Paul play on as John & Georges amp goes out. George turns it up as the Police arrive on the roof with Roadie Mal Evans, requesting the band stops playing. There were complaints in the quiet business district about loud noise coming from the roof. Paul improvises the lyrics singing " You've been playing on the roofs again, you know your mama doesn't like that, she's gonna have you arrested."

As they walk off,Maureen Starr- Ringo's wife gives the big Hooray and claps loudly. Paul acknowledges her by saying "Thanks Mo". John improvises in classic Lennon "I'd like to thank you on behalf of the group & ourselves & I hope we passed the audition" as the Beatles sign off.