centerfield maz catches Ramon Castro's Citi Field Foul Ball

I am proud to say that at last nights Mets win over the Nationals, not only did I witness live, (1) the 1st ball affected by the right field Pepsi Porch over hang (2) the 4th Mets win in a row (3) Rookie Fernando Martinez getting booed for lazily not running out a pop fly that was dropped (4) another Santana win, and a wild wacky game as a whole. But I also caught the second foul ball of my life. Well I actually didn't catch it, but I benefited from a miss play of the row in front of me.

In the 2nd inning Ramon Castro hit three foul balls in my area (Section 409), I got the third. First the ball hit off some ones arm in front of me, then the ball bounced into my row, and beneath the scrum of hands, elbows and heads banging together, I came out victorious!! Yes thanks to an assist I got my first Citi Field ball. I was impressed to see all the balls used at Citi Field games have the Inaugural season logo on them.

My 1st foul ball was caught in at Shea in 2005. I was down in the 1st row off the San Francisco Giants dugout at a Sunday double header. There was hardly anyone in the seats due to the fact that the DH was added because of a prior rain out. The Giants Jason Ellison hit a high fly ball right above me, it came down like it was in slow motion. I caught it with one hand & cupped it with my other hand. The crowd cheered, and I felt like a little kid. Security came over to see if I was ok, and I said couldn't be better.