Concert Review: The Eagles at New Meadowlands Stadium (with Dixie Chicks & Keith Urban)

THE NEW MEADOWLANDS STADIUM: As for the new stadium, there was really nothing there that blew me away. Upon first arrival, there were slow lines at the pay booths, which charged a hefty $25 to park. There wasn't much direction, the lanes all of a sudden merged down into only two pay booths which was causing the whole delay. There you get your first close up of the big large grey Stadium, which really is kind of ugly.
As you walk into the stadium there are escalators that take you up into the concourse area that is very plain. There area is wide and spacious with a lot of concessions, but most of them were closed? Go figure. The interior design is nothing special, just cinder blocks & very gray. The most impressive feature was the large bar area right alongside the entrances to the seating sections.
We had great seats, lower level, Section 111 Row 7, the seats were cushioned and there was ample leg room. There are large video scoreboards in each corner of the Stadium which I am sure will be great during football games. The Stadium has three tiers and the top still had a section that was under construction. The upper tier looks like it’s a long way from the field, and I am sure the upper rows views can’t be all that great.
KEITH URBAN: The shows opener was country music star Keith Urban. I was not familiar with his music, but he definitely puts on a good show. He’s somewhere between country, pop & a bit of rock & roll. The guy can sing & plays good guitar. I was surprised how much I liked his set. The highlight of his show, was when he jumped off the stage and circled the perimeter of the floor level right into the crowd. He jogged around & played guitar along the way, giving high fives to all the fans that swarmed around him. Of course he had tight security surrounding him for his protection. There was a small stage set up in the back of the floor section where he played out his next to last song, then continued his jog back to the main stage.

The beautiful sis
ters Martie & Emily are talented musicians playing a variety of instruments, with fantastic harmony vocals. It’s amazing how the beautiful Martie Maguire can make playing a fiddle be so sexy. The controversial lead singer Natalie Maines came out to everyone’s surprise, sporting a crew cut. Her voice sounded great even without hair, no one can take that away from her. The Chicks backing band are also fantastic, tight & very together, as always. The Dixie Chicks are a very polished professional live act. The played a short but great set featuring the classics, Wide Open Spaces, Ready To Run, Landslide, Long Time Gone, Sin Wagon & Good Bye Earl.

As for Frey, his vocals were just as outstanding. I don't think he gets enough credit for the good guitar player he is. Not only his rhythm & acoustic playing but his lead guitar work is also fantastic. He also sat down & played a bit of keyboards as well. The only disappointment with Frey was, that he did not play any of his solo material. He serves as the master of ceromonies, doing most of the talking. He introduced the band, and gave a brief intro to some of the songs. He still refers to his ex wife as "plantiff" which got laughs from the crowd.
Timothy B. Schmidt is a great bass player that also has a beautiful soft voice. He only sings the lead on one song “I Can’t Tell You Why", but his backing vocals are a large part of the
Eagles sound.

Anytime I see the Eagles, it seems Joe Walsh always steals the show. The crowd loves his laid back, comedic approach to everything. The former ultimate party dude is clean & sober these days, but his image lives on forever. As Glen Frey said “He is familiar to law enforcement and hotel staff around the world, Never met a man he didn't like, or a room he couldn't wreck." Walsh pleases the crowd with 5 songs, two James Gang classics & two legendary solo songs as well as In The City, from the Eagles Long Run album. (Also featured in the cult movie classic, the Warriors.) Walsh isn’t just fun & games, his guitar playing is amazing. He wowed the crowd again with the electric voice box guitar part of Rocky Mountain Way during the encore.

In closing I just want to say again, this was a great show. My favs were Lying Eyes, Life In the Fast Lane, In the City, Boys of Summer & of course Hotel California.
EAGLES SET LIST -6/10/10 - New Meadowlands Stadium:
Seven Bridges Road
How Long
Take It To The Limit
Trumpet intro/Hotel California
Peaceful Easy Feeling
I Can't Tell You Why
Witchy Woman
Lyin' Eyes
One Of These Nights
Walk Away
Boys Of Summer
In The CityThe Long Run
Life's Been Good
Dirty Laundry
Funk 49
Heartache Tonight
Life In The Fast Lane
ENCORETake It Easy
Rocky Mountain Way
Seven Bridges Road
How Long
Take It To The Limit
Trumpet intro/Hotel California
Peaceful Easy Feeling
I Can't Tell You Why
Witchy Woman
Lyin' Eyes
One Of These Nights
Walk Away
Boys Of Summer
In The CityThe Long Run
Life's Been Good
Dirty Laundry
Funk 49
Heartache Tonight
Life In The Fast Lane
ENCORETake It Easy
Rocky Mountain Way