New Jersey's Greatest Baseball Player- Hall of Famer: "Ducky" Joe Medwick (1932-1948)

Joseph Michael Medwick was born on November 24, 1911 in Carteret, New Jersey. The strong hardnosed player was born to Hungarian immigrants and became a star player any where he played baseball. A woman saw him swimming and said he looked like a duck earning the nickname “Ducky Wucky”. The fans then called him Ducky because of the way he waddled when he walked, but his team mates never dared using that phrase. To players he was known as “Muscles” because of his size & strength. He played hard and had a notorious temper fighting with team mates, opposing players & fans. He once decked a pitcher on his team for walking infron of him to many times when he was being photographed. He punched out another when he criticized him for not running out a fly ball. Legend has it, Medwick was the only player Dizzy Dean was afraid, after he threatened to take him & his brother out with a bat. He came up with the Cardinals in 1932 becoming a ten time All Star & one of the National ...