Former Italian American Player of the Day: Oscar Melillo (1926-1937)

He began playing organized ball in Canada & eventually at AA Milwaukee getting better each year. He raised his average to .291

Manager George Sisler was trying to strengthen his St. Louis Browns defense and according to two different reports, either traded five players for Melillo or paid the Brewers $50,000. Either way he began his MLB career in 1926 and would play ten seasons with the Browns.

According to the Sporting News in 1963, Wilde said “They told me to eat nothing but spinach for the next few months if I wanted to live, I tried to talk them into letting me have a steak, spaghetti, or ravioli, but they said nothing doing. When I told them I couldn’t stand the monotony of spinach three times a day, they told me I could have some variety by boiling it for breakfast, making a salad of it for lunch, and baking it for dinner.”
The cartoon character of Popeye did not come out until a few years later, possibly his eating spinach came from the Melillo real life story, but there are no proven reports.
In 1929 he hit for the cycle in May, & and finished out the season hitting .296 with 11 triples. Over the next four seasons, Oscar would hit 10 or more triples every year.

He also hit over .290 three times, enjoying his best season in 1931 with career highs in batting (.306) hits (189) doubles (34) runs scored (88) along with 2 HRs & 75 RBIs.
In 1935 new manager Rogers Hornsby was looking for a .300 hitter, while Red Sox owner Tom Yawkey & manager Joe Cronin wanted defense. They felt Melillo was the best second baseman in the game & a trade was set up for Moose Solters. Solters went on to hit .330 in St. Louis while Melillo began to slow down with injuries at age 36. He helped tutor a young infielder named Bobby Doerr who would go on to be a Red Sox legend, claiming he learned more from Oscar than he did in all his years in the Pacific Coast League. After three seasons he was allowed to be released to take a coaching job with the Browns.

Personally he was an avid bowler, & had a phobia of certain animals which made him the target of many practical jokes. He passed away in November 1963 at the age of 64.