Former Italian / American Umpire: Larry Poncino (1985-1999 / 2002-2007)

Larry Louis Poncino was born on February 3rd 1957 in Los Angeles California. He attended San Clemente High School & then the University of Nevada-Reno. Poncino began as an umpire in the Calfornia League (1977) moving on to the Texas League (1978-1979) & the Pacific Coast League for twelve years (1980-1992). He got to the majors as a National League umpire in 1985, working there through the 1999 season. In 1991 he was the home plate umpire working Montreal Expo Dennis Martinez perfect game at Dodger Stadium. He also worked the right field line of the 1996 All Star Game at Philadelphia, won by the National League 6-0. In 1999 Poncino was part of the mass umpire resignation of umpires organized by its union head Ritchie Phillips. The plan backfired as all resignations were accepted by MLB & a new union was formed with. MLB picked & chose what umpires they wanted back over time but 22 were left without jobs. Poncino was hired back in 2002 working the 2003 & ...