Turn Back the Clock To Some Old Mets Advertisments:
What better way to make for a nicer day at Shea, Mets baseball & a big fat salty pretzel? If you can't get to the ballpark, listen to the voices of experience: Lindsey, Ralph & Bob made it all come to life for so many of us. Back in the late sixties, you could get your official Original Mr. Met wrist watch for only $9.99. A Casey Stengel ad for Westinghouse dish washers in the early sixties. Here's another great Yogi Berra Yoo-Hoo ad. Two great Hall of Famers. The official beer of the Mets for years was extra dry Rheingold. Who could forget those little brown nip bottles? 1969 World Champion Met's outfielder Art Shamsky with model / actress Lauren Hutton in Harpers Bazaar, circa 1970. Tom Seaver for the Men's Store at Sears, wearing that early seventies "comfort- shirt", and a classic seventies wide burgundy tie. Gary Carter was the amazing clean up hitter for Northville Gasoline. Gary was quite the commerc...