Cespedes Opts Out of Contract

On Saturday November 5th, Mets All Star Slugger, Yoenis Cespedes officially opted out of his contract for 2017. He is now officially a free agent.

Cespedes is reportedly looking for a multi year $100 dollar deal, which the Mets may be reluctant to do.

They have until 5 PM on Monday November 7th, to exclusively negotiate with Cespedes & will most likely offer $17.2 million for next season so thy could get a draft pick, possibly deterring other teams from forgoing a selection for signing him.

As the Mets look ahead to a successful 2017, a bat like Cespedes is most important.  I think he has proved how valuable to this team he was over the past two seasons.

Other slugger on the market that will give Yo some competition include Mark Trumbo, Jose Bautista & Edwin Encarnacion. In 132 games he hit 31 HRs with 25 doubles 86 RBIs while batting .280.

He  has proven he can play in the NY spotlight, he has proven he can win here & he has stated he loves playing here- isn't this what the Mets always wanted in a slugger?? Sign him!

The off season has begun & the business of baseball will drag us fans through the winter.

Quotes: Mets Manager Terry Collins- "He's a great player, one of the best in the game and any team will be fortunate to have him, I hope we can get him back".