50th Anniversary of the 1969 Mets: Tips From Manager Gil Hodges
50th Anniversary of the 1969 World Champion "Amazing Mets"
In 1969 Gil Hodges brought the Mets from being a joke team to World Series Champions. He made the amazing Mets the Amazing Mets with a capitol A.
Here are some tips on managing from Gil Hodges: "Treat everyman on your team alike. Play no favorites. They are all here for the same purpose: to do what they can to win. Try To remember that. Also try to remember that once you make rules for conduct for your ball club, they apply to every man on the club."

As for the second guesser, Gil once said " There is one thing the second guesser does not take into consideration, the man in the stands, the man in the press box, is not always on top of the situation".