41 Tom Seaver Way Officially Named
50th Anniversary of the 1969 World Champion "Amazing Mets"
Seaver who has now retired from public life, did not attend, neither did his wife Nancy who stayed with Tom back in California, where they have wine vineyards. But their daughters & grand children did make it tp the event.

Seaver has had his uniform #41 retired by the Mets * did have a gate named after him at Citi Field. There are finally plans for a long overdue Tom Seaver statue outside Citi Field by the HR Apple as well.
from centerfield: It's really ashamed that it took this long for an honor like this to be given to Seaver, A statue should have been put up long ago like many other ballparks do in honor of their greatest players.
As usual the Wilpons failed, at this point poor Tom can't even enjoy the honor. There was Jackie Robinson Rotunda, a Dodger player but never anything on a grand scale for Seaver, the greatest Met of all time. These clowns need to sell this club or the team will never be a champion. As a buisness owner if you've only come on top once in 40 years you failed!!!!
As usual the Wilpons failed, at this point poor Tom can't even enjoy the honor. There was Jackie Robinson Rotunda, a Dodger player but never anything on a grand scale for Seaver, the greatest Met of all time. These clowns need to sell this club or the team will never be a champion. As a buisness owner if you've only come on top once in 40 years you failed!!!!