Remembering Mets History: (1969) Amazing World Champion Mets On the Ed Sullivan Show

Sunday October 19th, 1969: After the Amazing Mets won the World Series, they were now national celebrities as the swinging sixties came to a close. After their Miracle, run the Amazing Mets were getting offers to do commercials, magazine ads, personal appearances & television shows. One of the more popular appearances came on the biggest variety show in television, the Ed Sullivan show. Ed Sullivan had done interviews with Mets Manager Gil Hodges, Cleon Jones, Tommy Agee, Jerry Koosman and Tom Seaver on October 5th, 1969, just prior to the World Series, after the Amazing's won the pennant. Now after they had won the Worlds Championship, the Mets entire team was invited to the Sunday October 19th Sunday night show. On that night other guests included a young female comedian named Joan Rivers, who did a standup routine. Also was A ctress & dancer Cyd Charisse, they did a dance to an instrumental version of the song "MacArthur...